Applied Nan Jing Acupuncture Wallchart
The Applied Nan Jing Acupuncture wallchart is a stylish and clean looking A1 sized (59.4cm x 84.1cm / 23.4 x33.1 in) poster that allows for quick access in the clinic to help use the Applied Nan Jing Acupuncture approach. At a quick glance, the practitioner can see:
- How the 5 element points are distributed on the meridian
- A guide to:
- Tonification of any of the 12 meridians
- Sedation/dispersion of any of the 12 meridians
- How to tonify yin (bring cold) to any of the 12 meridians
- How to tonify Yang (bring warmth) to any of the 12 meridians
- The abdominal reaction for the 6 Yin meridians for abdominal palpation