UAT Method
Unified Acupuncture Theory (UAT) is a method for understanding the mechanisms of how acupuncture works. The UAT model is a tool that explains the underlying principles of meridian systems and interactions and it is used as the framework for all treatment possibilities. Coming from an integrative mindset, UAT facilitates an inter-disciplinary approach to acupuncture.
Having a simple system that underlies all major acupuncture modalities such as Balance Method, I-Ching, Distal Needling, 5 Element Theory,
Saam Acupuncture, Japanese Acupuncture, Manaka Acupuncture and TCM, allows practitioners to incorporate many different approaches into a coherent system for effective treatments.
Jonathan Shubs
I want to improve the lives of those around me and help people live full and meaningful lives.I have been fortunate enough to be afforded the possibility to do acupuncture and to have the tools to share this wonderful way of helping people with others. It is my strong belief that many of those who are practicing acupuncture are confused by all the conflicting theories and methods that exist. For most practitioners one of the greatest challenges is to follow a course on a new method and then find a way to incorporate it into the tools they have already acquired.
My acupuncture adventure started when I was 12 years old. Having seen my parents undergo three hip operations, 2 cancer treatments, and being diagnosed as diabetic in a period of three years I was confronted, at this early age, with the need to find a better way to help people live a healthy and full life. The symptomatic treatments that my parents underwent brought me to the realisation that a holistic approach to health would be more beneficial. At the same time being confronted with ones parents being in ill health also leads to questioning of ones understanding of the world around us.
My philosophical undertaking of understanding started at the age of fourteen and took me on a journey that eventually led to ancient Chinese philosophy.Against this backdrop of searching for meaningful ways to help people live a healthy balanced life and coupled with an attraction to ancient Chinese thought, the acupuncture world became the obvious career path.Having the opportunity to study under Daniel Deriaz at the start of my academic career introduced me to the various types of acupuncture that existed and opened my eyes to the limitless possibilities.
Teaching Philosophy
Having followed numerous formations in acupuncture given by various instructors and also being an instructor myself and an instructor’s instructor I have seen the learning process from many angles. This unique perspective has allowed me to develop as a trainer and has given me the necessary tools to present, instruct and assist the student in their learning process.Clear learning and practical goals coupled with systematic logical development of ideas and concepts are the basis of my teaching style. I take complex theories and break them down into understandable segments that build upon each other and guide the student to his/her own understanding and application of the concept.This method of teaching has been applauded by students often with the remark “I understood with you in one weekend what it took me 4 years to understand in college”.